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Patsea Cobb

Lives and works in the Brickbottom Artist Studios in Somerville, MA. 

Art Teaching

I was an Associate Professor of drawing and sculpture (Foundation) at the Art Institute of Boston for thirteen years starting in the fall of 1975. Breaking the glass ceiling, I was the third woman hired in the entire faculty. Nathan Goldstein NA (Art of Responsive Drawing) hired me to help start a figure sculpture course designed for the second semester to support the students’ growing understanding of form in their figure drawings. Note: I had studied figure sculpture for five years after graduating from Brown (with most of my courses at RISD). My mentor was the National Academician, George Demetrios who had apprenticed to Antoine Bourdelle (apprentice to Rodin). I wanted the old-world training in expressive movement in the figure. During my years at The Art Institute I eventually taught every course in the Freshman program enjoying the feisty, dedicated students and the collaborative curriculum.


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